Address: | 188 Huck Lane |
Vincent, OH 45784 | |
Phone # for sales: | 740-525-5642 |
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General Information | System Requirements | Market Information | Data |
Data Formats | Charts | Screening and Alerts | Trading Systems |
Options Analysis | Support | Additional Information
General Information TOP |
Product name: FastGraph |
Initial Price: $250 |
Brief product description: FastGraph is an extensive collection of graphing and analysis tools. The software has a direct interface with Investors FastTrack mutual fund and stock data base. The following charts can be displayed: Bollinger, SAR Parabolic, moving averages, Point and Figure, and Candlestick. The cycle analysis option will extract and display dominant cycle periods along with price projections. A tool is available to determine performance of composite market timing systems (For example, if the user has more than one market timing signal, FastGraph will evaluate combination of signals to provide historical performance.) The composite signal tool generates detailed trading history reports and can export a trading signal that is compatible with the Investors FastTrack software. Correlation analysis can be graphed between funds or stocks. The ability to generate synthetic index data with any user defined beta is available. Trading system output from FastBreak (see Trading Systems section for FastBreak information) can be displayed in contour and 3-D charts to determine robust trading parameters. |
Operating system(s):
Minimum RAM required: Less than 4 mb |
Minimum hard drive space: 10 mb |
Minimum modem speed: N/A |
Mouse required?: Yes |
CD-ROM used?: Yes |
CD-ROM required?: No |
Demo disk available?: Yes |
Markets followed:
Data type(s) utilized:
Sources for data:
Downloader: N/A |
Data manager:
Formats read directly:
Additional formats read directly: N/A |
Formats read after conversion to program useable data:
Additional formats read via conversion to program useable data: N/A |
Chart type(s) utilized:
Charting features:
Built-in indicators:
Ranking based on: N/A |
Screening based on: N/A |
Alerts based on: N/A |
Alerts displayed on charts?: No |
Alerts displayed in table?: No |
Screening by individual system per market?: Yes |
Save tables?: Yes |
Automated printing of tables?: No |
Trading system features:
Options analysis features: N/A |
Support features:
Manual page length (if applicable): 55 |
Additional comments (please indicate additional indicators, special features and services here): A 70 minute tutorial DVD included. Installation can be CD or USB |
General Information | System Requirements | Market Information | Data |
Data Formats | Charts | Screening and Alerts | Trading Systems |
Options Analysis | Support | Additional Information
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